SUBJECT: Impending 5G Lawsuit!!!

SUBJECT: Impending 5G Lawsuit!!!

Dear Mr. Stein,

I write to you with the children in mind. As you may have noticed, AT&T has built a large 5G tower on the corner of Veterans and Causeway Boulevards, promising “near wifi” Internet experiences. While my husband Nestor and I understand the need for faster internet, we take issue with the deployment of 5G have a story to tell you and some questions to follow. Please continue reading.

First, let me establish my husband and I’s credibility. Nestor attended Sherman Oaks community college in accounting (19 credits), has worked as a barista, doula, sacred earth warrior and maintains the wellness blog where he writes about ancestral methods of healing. He once met Gwyneth Paltrow.

I, myself, grew up in the midwest. I am 1/8 Cherokee and experience a deep connection with Mother Earth. I am an inner-glow expert, past-lives oracle, certified vortex healer, and am an avid student of fact-based spiritual blogs and have a minor Instagram following (9k followers, @spiritual5Gresistor). I’ve also been convicted of selling magic mushrooms, despite rejecting the label of “convict” in favor of “psychedelic martyr.”  

Together, we protested the Dakota Access Pipeline in solidarity with my native ancestors.

Now, let me lay out the FACTS:  

For one, 5G is simply the bigger brother to 4G. Before that came 3G, and I’m sure you remember the tiny baby sister 2G (Nestor and I called that one the “Gee-Gee”). With each G came a higher frequency of gamma rays and faster internet.

Unfortunately, the cancer and mind control came with the 3G. Then it metastasized with the 4G and well, I’m sure you know what will happen with the 5G. If you don’t, you can read on my blog:  

We must stop it.

Anyhow, on Jan 21, my husband, my 13-year-old child (Gandhi, who has yet to choose its gender, not vaccinated of course), two dogs (George and Michael; they were adopted and already gendered; previously vaccinated), and I were out on Veterans protesting the AT&T man working on the 5G tower. We held signs such at “5G, not for me!” “5G More like 5 Pee.” And my personal favorite, “5G was created by Bill G. Fuck Microsoft!!!!”

We yelled at the worker (who we later learned was named Gary Silberman Jr.) and demanded he step down, put us in touch with his boss, and provide a community forum for us to air our 5G concerns.

Unfortunately, Gary had already fallen victim to the 5G (more on this later) and told us to leave. When Nestor and my children threw rocks at Gary, he called the police. A Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Deputy arrived, and told us to “move on,” and when we attempted to explain to him the imminent dangers of 5G he called me “tree fucker” under his breath. My husband then began to use delicate Reiki techniques to remove the anger from the deputy’s being. He simply touched his waistline, and the deputy threw him to the ground and arrested him. Nestor was charged with battery of a police officer. My children were devastated, but at least Nestor can now add “5G martyr” to his credentials.

As they took Nestor away, I quickly informed the Deputy of our investigation into Bill Gates. I will relate our findings to you in case you have not yet read through my blog:

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs met in 2018 at a seance at Mark Zuckerberg’s house. Steve’s spirit was manifested through the comatose body of Elon Musk (a devoted 5G lover). Steve informed Bill of what he learned while in the astral realm we know as “hell.” He explained to Bill how to utilize 5G frequencies to make people buy Apple products — which control the microchips Bill put in the COVID-19 vaccine, which will make us buy Microsoft products. A win-win situation for Bill and Steve. You might ask about Mark and Elon, like the curious Deputy did. Well, people use Microsoft and Apple products to access Facebook and Tesla’s websites, driving sales to both of them.

Capitalist. Greed. Exposed. And. Confirmed. (fact citations at

Also, 5G causes testicular cancer because radio waves are bad. We know this because there is more cancer diagnosed in the last 10 years, and in the last 10 years, there are more G’s being used by our cell phones.  

Some people say correlation does not equal causation. In that case Mr. Stein, I’d ask them if they have studied vortex healing…

Now that all has been revealed, I have a series of questions for you:

1) My husband bought an organic rifle from a man on Craigslist. When he is released from prison, what are his rights in firing warning shots at Gary, the AT&T worker? There is an imminent danger of 5G infecting his orbs and my succulents with 5G cancer. 5G Cancer can kill you. Therefore, does the “stand your ground” law apply here?

2) In jail, my husband has been forced to eat non-organic food. We only eat non-GMO, certified, range free, oat milk-inspired dishes. Can he legally go on a hunger strike in prison? If he dies, will the police be charged with murder? What about if he dies from the chemicals in the food they have provided him?

3) Will you send my blog to your clients?

4) Who can be sued here? I tried to read legal statutes and prior case law, but I could not understand the big words and logic used. My conservative parents say this is because I “fill my brain with stupidity,” but I disagree. Could this be the 5G? Or could it be a product of the brain damage done by vaccinations forced upon me as a child? Hmmmm… I’d say both are plausible.

At the very least, please follow Nestor and me on IG and sign up for our newsletters where you will find the most up to date information on 5G in the greater New Orleans area as well as locations for our biweekly doula workshops. We occasionally have discount coupons for our vortex healing seminars.

One with the ancestral dust of mother Earth,

Indigo Jones
- Vortex Certified Healer
- Plant Medicine User
- Water Defender
- Non-GMO, Vegan, Free Range